Well we got everything setup here at the Bastrop CoC. A lot of families got to go back to see there homes for the first time today. Now the cleanup begins.
Without your help this mission will not be able to continue
If you would like to help us assist our neighbors please click on the link above or make check payable to and mail to Disaster Assistance Mission, 402 Center Way St, Lake Jackson TX 77566. Receipt for your taxes will be provided if needed.
Would you like to be added to our list of posiable volunteers that we can contact if necessary. Please email me your name, address, phone #. Email to: disasterassistance@gmail.com
If you are looking for an opportunity to become involved in evangelism and mission work right here at home, I believe you will really appreciate this information. Mission work in all areas is greatly needed. For those of us who can help in home missionary work, there are several organizations that are highly involved in helping people.One of these mission efforts in which Rosemary and I are very active is "Disaster Assistance". "Disaster Assistance"is made up of many volunteers, who go to areas of disaster, esp. weather related, and help people in need. Not only do we cook and provide meals, help churches organize and distribute relief supplies, but we also provide spiritual help in talking with people about the Lord. Outreach is one of our chief efforts. We endeavor, not only to talk with people, but also offer to visit with them, pray with them and set up bible studies with them. It is our effort to help spiritually,as well as physically.. We have found that when we go into areas hard hit by floods and storms, provide much needed food and supplies, that the people are eager to know of this God we happily serve. They are very receptive to the idea of studying God's word. Last year, we signed up over 500 people for bible study thru this effort.You can be a big help. We always need volunteers. We need people who can help cook, wash and scrub big pots and pans, clean tables, serve food, organize and distribute supplies and we very much need volunteers who can help conduct bible studies. Of course your sacrificial donations of money and supplies help make this mission effort possible. When we volunteers go into an area wearing our bright orange shirts that read, "Disaster Assistance Church of Christ" it is a message that says to people, "The Church of Christ is here to help." As you may desire to help and be a part of this mission work, here are some ways you can let us know that you want, in some capacity, to have a part: Email our director Mike at disasterassistance@gmail.com You can also email us donhudsoncoc@gmail.com You can also view our web page at http://www.disasterassistancecoc.com/ Again, thanks for all you are doing in this mission effort. God is being glorified, Christ is being magnified, and the Church is being edified. Don
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