Just a quick update. We are still here at Antioch Church of Christ. We served 876 meals today and are
cooking 900 tomorrow. Than tomorrow night we are moving to the Western Hills Church of Christ and
setting up there. From there we are getting volunteer students from Lipscomb University to help us with
meals. Services International will be based in the same parking lot. They clean up and restore homes.
They will have 200-300 volunteers weekdays and 1000-1500 on the weekend. We are going to be
serving them and other families lunches. As I said we will be arriving there Friday night and will need to
have 1000 meals ready for lunch on Saturday. We will be based there from 3 weeks to 3 months. Many
different churches in the area are helping us take out meals also the police department is picking up meals
and taking them out with them to the needed areas.
If anyone would like to volunteer for a day, week or more just let me know.
I am sure all of you know that funds are always needed to cover our mission expenses. The information for
making a donation is on our website www.disasterassistancecoc.com
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, ..." Matt. 25:35
Please pass this information on to anyone who might be able to help our efforts to feed hungry people. Please pray for the thousands of people whose lives have been forever changed by disasters and for us as we show the love of the Lord to them by just providing a simple meal.
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