Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Update From Central Church of Christ-Tuscaloosa

Update July 27

It has been such a blessing for Tuscaloosa to have to have all of the support from across the country.

We have contacts of over 3500 individuals who we have been able to serve. While some of the disaster relief efforts will cease eventually, we will shift our focus toward meeting spiritual needs and offering Bible studies to all we have made contact with over the past few months.

We will update the photos soon. If it has been a while since you have been to Tuscaloosa, you may be suprised by the progress.

We will soon begin to rebuild. Please pray for us as we go through this process and the challenges that come with it.

Progress Report
There is a long road ahead, but so far, this experience has been more encouraging for us as Christians in Tuscaloosa than anyone could imagine. Never did we realize the amount of support we would receive from our brothers and sisters throughout the brotherhood. The Church has now accomplished many things in this community to further the Kingdom including hundreds of Bible studies and multiple baptisms so far. We shall continue to press forward. None of this would have been possible without the Lord working through your hearts.

We love you with the love of the Lord,
-The Central Church of Christ of Tuscaloosa Alabama

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